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,,It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle."


I've been waiting for this day since las
Vegan cookies

 V každej jednej vianočnej americkej rozprávke kde vystupuje Santa Claus určite nesmú chýbať ani cookiesky, ktoré sa večer na štedrý deň položia Santovi pri stromček spolu s pohárom mlieka (samozrejme rastlinného xD). A ak niekto miluje cookies viac ako Santa, je to určite môj mladší brat, preto ich u nás doma robíme celoročne.

Only person that loves cookies more than
Hiking in Tribeč 2019

 ​Pohorie Tribeč sa za posledných pár rokov preslávilo hlavne vďaka knihe Trhlina od Jozefa Kariku. Tento rok vyšlo aj filmové spracovanie jeho knihy. Svoj názor naň si ale radšej nechám až na záver. Každopádne, či už na tieto záhadné zmiznutia veríte či nie, kniha je pekná príručka na turistiku práve v pohorí Tribeč ktoré sa nachádza vo veľkej väčšine v Nitrianskom kraji.

I can't decide which one is better 🙏😹_
Favourite fall recipes

 Na jeseň je pre mňa prvoradé aby jedlo samozrejme nejak chutilo, no ale aj aby ma dobre zahrialo. Preto som si pre vás dnes pripravila 4 teplé recepty- jedny raňajky, polievku, hlavné jedlo aj sladkú bodku v podobe koláča. Všetky recepty sú plné typických jesenných potravín, ktoré sa však dajú pripraviť o čosi viac neobyčajne- po vegánsky a ešte aj v zdravšej, odľahčenejšej verzií.

 2 summer risotto recipes

 It's a last day of summer and I just realized that I didn't post any summer recipes this year. And that's what I give you today- 2 easy summer vegan risotto recipes.

 3 healthy vegan junk food

 When people start living a healthy lifestyle or they're just trying to lose weight, there's always one thing that holds them back: JUNK FOOD.

 4 peanut butter oatmeal recipe

As you should know (especially if you follow me on my Instagram, so if you don't make sure you are) I'm a huge breakfast lover and if I said huge, I mean EXTREMELY OBSESSED. One of my favourite breakfasts is, of course, oatmeals. And what's better than oatmeal with creamy peanut butter, melt by the hotness of the oatmeal? Nothing!

 4 Nonegg egg recipes

When I was thinking about going vegan for the first time, there were two things that would miss me. And one of them were eggs because when I went vegetarian, it was number one of my protein and meat supplement. So I was looking for many recipes from eggs. I was eating them scrambled, fried, boiled ...

 Health basics

The healthy lifestyle isn't a diet. Lifestyle means something long-lasting. Something that fits just for you, makes you feel happy, confident and stronger. It isn't just about eating veggies all the time and doing cardio every day.

It's about accepting yourself.

😽💕 #travell #friends #friendship #bff
It was really funny how we create this p
Healthy strawberry, banana, chocolate, and oat breakfast recipes

When I don't have my breakfast until 9 AM, my day is then messy and I feel more hunger than when I eat my breakfast until 8 AM. I LOVE sweet breakfast, but I try to eat one savoury breakfast every week. Mostly, I like hot, filling breakfast with fruit. So I decided to share some of my recipes for strawberry, banana, chocolate and oat breakfast because it's one of my favourite combos.

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