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Health basics

When we talk about health and fitness we usually think about weight loss or getting in better shape. But both of these are short-time cases. This is how it looks like:

1. You realized that you want to lose some weight to feel and look better.

2. You stop eating junk food and sweets.

3. You find any diet on the internet.

4. You buy 245248 things that will help you lose weight.

5. You run every day 10 km.

6. You are eating salads 24/7.

7. You are hungry so you will go to the fridge to eat just something little.

8. You ate everything that was in the fridge.

And this is how most of the people see a healthy lifestyle. But is it really like this?

..Of course, it's not...

The healthy lifestyle isn't a diet. Lifestyle means something long-lasting. Something that fits just for you , makes you feel happy, confident and stronger. It isn't just about eating veggies all the time and doing cardio every day.

It's about accepting yourself.

So when I started my healthy lifestyle two years before, I made many mistakes, but I also found out some helpful tips for beginners. And that's what I want to share with you today:

1. Water

The water in our bodies is essential for life. Without water, we can’t survive. Since the water in our bodies is continually being used or lost, it needs to be continually replaced. We use to drink many fizzy, high sugar or high-fat drinks. But these are just full of empty energy. Yes, they taste nice but our body doesn't think this too. People don't drink enough water in the day. Water is really important in hot days as well as in cold days. But everybody is different. Someone needs to dring about 1,5 litres for a day and someone 4 litres. Try to listen to your body.

2. Sleep

Sleeping is important for our regeneration, metabolism, and it also boosts our energy. How much sleep do you need? Well, this is also an individual. Someone needs to sleep about 10 hours every day and someone just 6. But usually, about 8 hours are enough. Quality of the sleep is also really important, so if you have any sleep problems, try to resolve them. I used to have some sleep problems last year and one of the things that helped me was a herb tea for better sleep and magnesium supplements.

3. Sun & fresh air

Light from the sun has two effects for us: the first one is four our mind and the second one for our body. Sunlight gives our bodies a vitamin D, which is important for our bones, skin and immunite system. Fresh air has anti-depression effects, so try to spend a few minutes outside.

4. Reduce stress

Stress is a big factor for our physical and mental health. If you're nervous or in a stress situation, you might fall in binge eating or overeating. So try to reduce stress as much as you can. Take some time for yourself. Read some book or make yourself a cup of tea. Or just go out with your friends and talk about your problems if you need to.

5. Exercise

Try to find any motion you like. For example, I hated running but I loved swimming or biking. So I focused on things I liked and I just do them. And it can be whatever: skateboarding, skiing, surfing, snowboarding, roller coasting, walking, doing yoga or Zumba, dancing, snowboarding... Whatever! Just do what you like and try to spend some minutes each day to exercise. It doesn't necessarily need to be an hour. Try with just a few minutes for a day.

6. Eating habits

Habits are things you do without even knowing it. Just like drinking when you're thirsty, eating when you're hungry or just going on the toilet when you need to. And our eating habits are usually not so healthy as they should. So try to keep attention on these habits. Start with small steps like not eating the whole chocolate but just one piece. Find a balance between junk and healthy food. I personally like to keep 80/20 rule, which means that you eat 80% of your time healthy and 20% unhealthy. Try to eat wholesome food, fruit and veggies because they are full of nutrients that your body need.

7. Stay organized

Some people do they're to do list, some people have a diary and some people have everything in their head. So find a way that's right for you and keep doing it. But if you don't like to organize everything then don't pressure yourself and find your own way to do things when you want to. Just listen to yourself and your body.

And this is all of my health tips for beginners. I hope you like them and try some. Let me know!

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